The GIS Technician is responsible for developing and maintaining a GIS database for use in mapping the geographic data in the Bay of Fundy Watershed. This database is of importance to MCG for a number of reasons, however, the primary objective for MCG is to collect as much Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge with respect to sites traditionally used for fishing practices and conservation. Having this data on file will help shape future conservation and management projects for years to come as it will hold a certain amount of cultural significance for our First Nation Communities.
Some additional purposes that having a database such as this is that it will enable us to participate and partner with various government agencies and other technical committees by offering to map out such things as barriers; spawning spites; critical habitat sites; project sites; etc. . In the long term having such data and mappings on file will assist MCG in locating traditional and new sites for projects and revisiting sites to follow up on previous work conducted.
For more information visit www.mikmawconservation.ca