Since its inception in 1986, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq has maintained a strong fiscal accountability framework. With approximately twenty funding agencies and a variety of funding arrangements, The CMM is regarded as a leader among native organizations across the country.

The organization is audited annually by independent audit (Grant Thornton), and has meticulously met the requirements of the funding agencies and produced a clean, unqualified audit each year.

Over the years The CMM has participated in numerous government compliance audits and partnered with such agencies as the Auditor General, the RCMP, Indian and Northern Affairs Development and Health Canada in national initiatives to improve programming, policy development and fiscal accountability.

The CMM offers Financial Advisory Services to its seven member bands. Services include teaching the basics of bookkeeping and accounting and assisting with audit preparations.

The Finance Department also provides bookkeeping and accounting for all affiliated entities.


Debbie MacDonald

Office Administrator

Dee Hawkins

Finance Clerk

Gordon Jones

Finance Manager

Gordon MacDonald

Payroll Clerk

Kelley Frizzell-Singer

Finance Clerk

Martha Levi

Financial Advisor/Adult Care Admin.

Melissa Patriquin

Finance Admin Assistant

Sarah Dennis

Purchasing Coordinator

Savannah Barclay

Finance Clerk

Tami Hachey

Accounts Payable Supervisor

Yvette Maloney

Assistant Finance Controller